Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Woman Threatens Gold Shop Owner with Knife - Pattaya People

Pattaya police was summoned on Sunday evening to investigate a person suspected of theft being held at a gold shop on South Pattaya Road. There officers found Miss Nisa aged 23 from Buriram province who threatened Mrs. Somsee, the owner of the gold shop with a knife as she was closing up for the evening.  Even though she was frightened Mrs. Somsee screamed for help as she saw people passing by her shop.  They came in and helped detain the woman and the police was notified.  In tears, Miss Nisa claimed she needed money to pay for her father to have a heart operation.  Needless to say, she was taken back to the police station for legal proceedings.
Pattaya Nightlife Guide 
Raving to Boozing - Just having a 'quiet one' to getting pissed
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